Wednesday, May 8, 2013

On turning 29...


I met a man today who is spending a year doing a different job every week whilst raising money for the Prince’s Trust (his website).  This was very inspirational and got me thinking about what can be achieved in a year. This has been a common thought over the past couple of weeks as at the beginning of May I turned twenty nine, and am officially in the last year of my twenties.

I must admit that this has contributed greatly to my post baby/pre-mid-life crisis crisis. I have ticked off most of the things you’re ‘supposed’ to before you are thirty: Get married, tick, have baby, tick. But what now?

Therein lies the crisis. I haven’t got a plan. I read a magazine article on the weekend about a woman who married an Italian; she said the best thing about being married to him was that the plan was there was no plan. Maybe I should take a leaf out of their book?
I will pursue this line of thought but it does jar slightly with my list making ethos. Here’s what I’ve got so far (in no particular order):
  • See the Nutcracker at Christmas
  • Have tea at the Dorchester
  • Leave Europe
  • Eat lobster
  • Try gig rowing
  • Try diving
I will keep adding to this (and ticking them off) as I go but it should make for an interesting, if not eclectic, year.


I’ve never desired owning my own house, much preferring the freedom that renting offers, I’ve not even considered it to be a waste of money as it allows me to live where I want for as long as I want. However, a few months ago I was having a miserable day, surveyors wanted access to the staff house again and in a moment of whimpering moanyness I texted Simon ‘I want to move out.’ A few hours later I had got over this mood and needed to go to town, so I texted again ‘I’m going to the bank. See you later.’ I sent the messages hours apart, but Simon read them together and replied with ‘Great idea, let’s buy a house! Ask in the bank about mortgages.’

This sort of misunderstanding sums up how I have got to where I am today. If I could rewind to when I was 16 and you were to ask me what I thought I’d be doing when I was thirty, I would probably have shrugged and said I quite fancy being a windsurfing instructor in Spain. I’ve gently ambled along my haphazard life’s path and at 29 have ended up in a job that I love, with amazing friends, a man that makes me happy and incidentally I am now a proud investor in a joint Save to Buy account!

So now I’ve got a year until I’m thirty, is now the time to make a list: final things to do before I’m over the hill? Countries I haven’t been to, mountains I haven’t climbed, run a marathon, do a bungee jump? Actually I think I’m going to stick to my norm, not having a plan seems to have worked out quite well for me so far. I don’t feel like I’ve missed out on anything major, neither do I regret any decisions I’ve made along the line. Here’s to another year of haphazard ambling and probably many more after that, Clink!

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